I’m not the best at opening up with a lot of my personal life, but every time I have written a heartfelt post, I have gotten phenomenal support and I truly appreciate that. Lately, there has been some really honest and thoughtful posts out there that deserve some support. I suggest you take a look.
Jordan is my friend in real life and she just opened up about being dumped. We have ALL been there, so I suggest you go over to her blog and send some positive thoughts, or a horrible break up story that will make her feel better. She is an amazing person and she deserves the best.
Jen at Peanut Butter Runner is one of my favorite blogs and her life always seems so perfect….great job, picture perfect food, a long lean body I want to steal, daily Crossfit/yoga/running, and a fabulous blog. She always write thoughtful posts, but she opened up HERE about some changes in her life over the past year, and discussed how she’s dealing with them. It’s easy to blog about all the beautiful, shiny, happy moments in your life, but blogging about the difficulties and issues is where it becomes brave and admirable.
Have you read One Twenty Five? If you haven’t you are missing out. This girl is honest about her struggle with her weight and talks about things we all think about, but don’t have the courage to vocalize. I am approximately the size of her goal weight, and I still have so many of the thoughts about food, body image, and workouts that she does. I love reading about her adventure living abroad (I can relate) and I am cheering her on to reach her goal. She recently wrote a post about lessons learned from traveling that I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE! Check it out HERE.
As much as it’s a cliche, blogging really is a community, and offers great support and encouragement. You never know who you are touching with your words!
If you could live anywhere in the world for 1 year, where would you go?
Would you blog about a break up or divorce? I don’t know, it depends on the circumstances. I imagine it would be hard to hide based on posts and photos.
The post I Can Relate appeared first on Posh Meets Pavement.